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Updates and Known Bugs

Adding Categories and Subcategories

<aside> 👉 A1 - A10 are your main expense categories. B1 - K10 are your expense subcategories. A11 - A15 are hardcoded, and shouldn't be changed. In the example below, Entertainment is a main category and Going Out is a subcategory of Entertainment.


Adding Expenses & Income

<aside> 👉 The dropdown only displays subcategories. So if you want to add an expense under Entertainment, you first have to add a subcategory like Going Out in order for it to show up under Entertainment. Adding transactions to income works in a similar way.


<aside> 👉 To add a monthly recurring payment, you can specify an end date. This will duplicate the payment for each month from {Date} to {End Date}.


Adding Assets & Liabilities

<aside> 👉 The Assets & Liabilities ledger is a balance ledger, not a transaction ledger. Use it to record bank balances at the end of the month, the current value of your investments and outstanding loans (updated monthly). Liabilities must be recorded in negative numbers.
